Golf Lessons & Golf Performance
We utilise Trackman data to optimise your learning experience alongside video analysis. Our philosophy that one size doesn't fit all allows us to explore what is right for you and your body.
Individual or in a group
Pay as you go
60 minute Golf Lesson, followed by lesson video and lesson feedback - £100
Junior 30 minute lesson (under16) - £29.50
1 hour junior lesson (under 16) - £59.00
Prepaid blocks
We have an option to suit all budgets with our pre-pay options for Coaching.
£270 - 3 hours of credit - £90 per hour
£480 - 6 hours of credit - £80 per hour
£630 - 9 hours of credit - £70 per hour
Terms & Conditions Apply
Golf Performance
Serious about your game
During a lesson, we can work not just on technique but how to take these improvements to the course. This is achieved through:
Gapping sessions
Course management
Shot making
Shot shaping
Correct practice structure
Further to this we offer custom fitting of TaylorMade clubs. The right equipment makes a huge difference to yardage and strike consistency. We check all your equipment within the lessons and can discuss any further additions or alterations required.
Another huge component of golf performance is player profiling. Working closely with Mike on your body function we profile your body and assist in improving patterns of movement, strength, stability, mobility, speed, pain reduction and injury prevention.